Critical feedback after 100+ hours of SUPERVIVE
I have played over 100 hours of Supervive and am totally hooked — I haven’t had this much fun since learning how to play League! Huge props to the devs and all of Theorycraft! With that being said, I’d like to do my part in being the change I’d like to see by making my criticisms known and opening a discussion around certain aspects of the game that I’d like to see improved or changed. If you agree/disagree with anything I have included in this post please comment — this list is a work in progress and just my rough (unrefined) critical opinions on the game:
1.) the HUD does not feel intuitive and could use some refining. Maybe I’m just a little slow with these things but it took me forever to find the soft level cap, storm closing times, and armor durability (which feels like it shreds wayyy too fast and it’s hard to tell what exactly it’s doing to reduce dmg btw). Maybe a storm closing timer (like they have in Fortnite) and an armor % over the armor icon on the bottom right hotbar would be helpful.
2.) mana feels unnecessary in the current state of the game. It’s super frustrating to have a full out brawl only to be third partied with mana at zero. I understand how perhaps ‘ability spam’ characters such as Brall are balanced by having a finite resource (mana) to play around, however I think cooldowns are enough of a limiting factor in most scenarios. Mana ends up feeling like an unnecessary resource that ends up hindering the fast paced nature of the game as well as hindering skill expression.
3.) make ally/enemy abilities easier to differentiate (a lot can be going on all at once - perhaps a thin glowing red outline around enemy abilities?).
4.) faster charging of things when allies help, like taking base camp and reviving. Although this may seem like a small detail, I really think this would make the game feel more refined (any maybe even slightly encourage my no-comms solo Q teams to stick together and play as a team!).
5.) movement feels incredibly satisfying! It’s a top comment I receive from friends i recommended the game to! One thing I’ve noticed is that spikes don’t always go off when they should - sometimes grapples save people from being spiked by abilities (I’ve noticed inconsistencies in spiking with brall air slam, king pin q, and Jin’s dunk.).
6.) id love a way to join a practice match while in queue. Also, practice should have access to abyssal powers and boss items! And when you die in practice I don’t think it should reset your level and powers - there should just be a button for that.
7.) im assuming there are plans for a solo queue, however right now, queuing solo is a nightmare MMR-wise. Most of the time I queue solo for squads I’ll get teamed with people ranked lower than me, but I’ll be placed in a lobby with a premade ‘hype squad’ of 4 Legend rank players. I understand a larger player base is needed for different queue types but I just wanted to mention this anyway.
8.) a way to message people on friends list.
9.) would love a ‘tab button’ showing stats as well as other teams the lobby. This would help with strategizing how to approach different teams based on their comp and would clean up the HUD (no more need for stats in the top right).
10.) when oracle is activated, the red cloud with a question mark icon representing an enemy team feels unfinished. When I first started playing I thought it was a visual pack that hadn’t loaded in.
11.) I would love to see community contests for future skins!
12.) once the game is big I’d love to see a bungee shot mini game.
13.) I think that individual skill expression should be emphasized more as a selling point of the game — like maybe there should be more ads showing abyss dunks and power interactions. The way King Nidhogg plays the game is very fun to watch (had him in my game as Void with blinkstone) and I think that displaying that kind of skill expression to new or potential players would entice them to not only give the game a shot but to actually put some time into it to reach a satisfying level of proficiency :)
Thank you Theorycraft for creating such a fun game, being so open to criticism and feedback, and fostering an engaging community! I know I’ll be playing Supervive all 2025!
Edit: I’m enjoying reading all these comments! I’ll post my feedback to their official feedback survey.
Something I’d like to add to this post is that…
14.) active most wanted crown glitches on map. Like if I open map (in my case by pressing ‘M’) the crown will show up in locations different from the top left mini-map. I’ve lost location advantages due to this glitch.
15.) Easier way to upgrade items and abilities. Alt can be weird to press for upgrading abilities and I don’t like having to ‘look’ bottom right in-game to upgrade my items. I like being able to choose what build I end up just building the same way like 99% of my games. Maybe if there was a way to pre-load a build so it auto upgraded? Or like choose a legendary path at the start of the game and all upgrades just auto upgrade your items?
16.) vault unlock practice in between matches. Just like a lil mini game to practice unlocking the vaults :) I think it would be a nice addition.
Edit 2:
16 pt. 2.) advanced abyss training. A high difficulty abyss training area in practice. Also a high difficulty aim tracking training area in practice would be cool too.