Deciding between Jura E8, Delonghi Eletta Explore and Kitchenaid KF7
currently trying to decide between the Jura E8, DeLonghi Eletta Explore, and KitchenAid KF7 for our first super-automatic machine at home. I had the chance to try out the Jura and DeLonghi today at Williams Sonoma, and I found both machines to be fantastic. The espresso quality was quite similar, and I could see either one fitting into our routine of mostly cappuccinos and the occasional espresso.
Unfortunately, they didn’t have the KitchenAid KF7 on demo, but I’m really drawn to it for its design and what seems like great value, especially with the Inside Pass pricing. (Side note: I don’t actually have an Inside Pass. If anyone happens to have a code they’re willing to share, please DM me, id be super grateful!)
At work, I’ve been using a Saeco Xelsis, but this would be my first super-automatic machine at home. For those of you who’ve owned or used these models, I’d love to hear your thoughts:
Is the KF7 a solid option compared to the E8 and Eletta Explore? How do they all hold up over time with maintenance and reliability? Any other recommendations I might not be considering?
Thanks in advance for your advice! I’m located in the US