You can delete one unit from the game, which would it be, and why?

Me personally? Byungchul.
I get what they were going for with this unit, but they over did it..
50% HP leader, Damage reduction as his HP is higher.
But damn is he TOO perfect.. Damage that scales on his HP, AoE strip, AoE party heal. Stun skill 1.

At least camilla on AD is single target and her damage has to be runed for, You choose Tanky OR Damage.. She very rarely can solo your team if she's the last one left alive, but Byung? mans a beast.

He can be cleaved still, but damn he made it harder.
He added a staleness to AD i feel we haven't seen since the Ganny Hathor days.
Almost all defenses i come across are 33 Lead, Cammy, Byung, +1

I wouldnt be sad if this unit got deleted off the face of the earth.

So? what about you? what's your "Fk this unit, i want it GONE!"

(in b4, "Ummm Aktually! byung is fine, you suck, X is a counter" Blah, blah. That's not the intent of the post, i want to know who you hate, and why. it could teshar for making giants too easy, its up to you!)