[Discussion] A reading slump or what?

Recently, I’ve noticed a pattern in my reading habits. When I pick up a book, I tend to read the first fifty pages or less, which is probably too early to form a definitive opinion. But I do it anyway and this has led me to dnf many books. On the other hand, I’ve seen people raving about the books that I’ve overlooked, which makes me wonder if there’s something wrong with my current reading experience or if I’m simply going through a reading slump.

When I do manage to find a good book, I make an effort to finish it. However, i think I’m not giving the book enough time to develop on me? But how do I push through something am not interested? ( I did try though and didn’t even rate the book well because I wanted to finish it to finish it)

I genuinely appreciate books that can make me laugh and keep me engaged, but I guess I can’t expect that from every other author writing. I’m at a loss for what to do from here. I’ve recently DNF’d many books, which has made me question my reading choices and my ability to find good books.