Social media is not the reason for Western cultural brain rot
It is only the catalytic factor. Our culture would not be so ADD if we still possessed some kind of moral foundation or sense of identity.
Nature abhores a vacuum and it is primarily, if not exclusively, for this reason that all this IdPol stuff sways political sentiment so easily, without even a whimper of resistance.
There is simply nothing else there and liberalism attempts to kill every seed in its womb as radicalism, fascism, religion, etc etc. Liberalism is increasingly anti-belief, increasingly compulsive in its hedonism.
Marxism can't solve this because there is no working class to buil a class "culture" i.e. a shared sense of identity and IMO Marx always lacked, or was able to presuppose (unlike us), that visceral human element that is necessary to give life blood to political movements.
edit: the word I want to use was "nihlism" and it was Nietzsche who saw that coming.