Reminder: these girls LIE!!

So a dancer I was previously closer with (for about 6 months) and I stopped being friends (see my previous post titled “how would you handle this?”) And yes, that’s legit why she stopped talking to me.

ANYWAYS, she’s a year older than me and has been dancing/“in the game” for 7 years while I’ve only been dancing about 2.5 years. As we have become closer she’s realized how much money I make, and I don’t give any of it away whatsoever. She gives ALL of her $ to a p*mp. I’ve never once had a p, nor would I, so she HATES that I 1. Make more than her and 2. Keep all of my money. My club is huge and notorious for extras, and my friend and I charge the same price $1000/half hour and $2000/full hour if you want extras. That doesn’t necessarily mean FS, but extras. Usually my friend and I will accept as low as 1500 for FS, but will shoot for 2k.

At least that’s what I thought.

She’d, of course, always brag to me about how much money she made and how generous her tricks were and stuff. Which, awesome, I’m a girls girl and love to see my friends win. However, it was pretty clear she was intimidated by me and was trying to show off like “hey I can do it too”. Which I found strange. And in my opinion, you could make 1000x more than me but if you give it all away to a p, you’re really making zero.

Her and I haven’t talked in two weeks and I think she’s expecting an apology from me. Hell will freeze over sooner.

So tonight, there’s a group of guys (one white, two darker skin toned, one mixed) and my floor host tells me to talk to the white guy. Instantly, the mixed guy asked where I’m from and we’re from the SAME home town, which is 1550 miles away from my club. A population of 10,000 people. Strange, right?

My (now former) friend goes and talks to the mixed guy and that basically ends our convo. I turn back to the white guy, he sent me away so I left the table. I see my former friend left the mixed guy too. they gave me the vibe that they wanted to settle in so I went around the club and made my money.. I see that about two hours after I left the table the mixed dude and my former friend did VIP. Interesting..

I’m about to leave work about an hour after they left VIP and he pulls me aside and says hey this might be weird but I have your IG, we went to the same middle and high school, like we legit are the same graduating class etc. this is the first time this has happened to me btw. I asked if he already “had fun” tonight and he said “yes, but just out of curiosity, what is your price?”

I said oh, I’m the same as (insert former friends dancer name) $1000/half hour and $2000/ full hour (full service). We set our own prices, but I always like to negotiate starting high. He said that was outrageous and WAY more than he paid my former friend. Obviously tricks lie, so I assumed he was just trying to get a deal out of me. He said:

“No, seriously, I paid her $600 and we f’ed”. Obviously I was in complete disbelief, and he literally showed me a receipt and a Venmo transaction from the entirety of what he paid (we have a room rental fee and dancer fee which is why they were separate).

I was SHOCKED! Granted I wasn’t in the room with them so he could be lying, but my friend was talking to my former friend the other day and my former said “I just bounced on a customers D for $500.” Which I didn’t believe until tonight.

Long winded story to say: THESE BITCHES LIE!!!!!!!! Don’t ever compare your situation to another dancers EVER! Just because she said she got $1500-2000 every room doesn’t mean that’s actually the case at all. If you ever find yourself comparing your earnings or sales skills to other dancers, think of this!