Soooo fed up w my club

I work at the biggest club in a huge city & honestly I’m at the end of my rope with it this week. Management has the attitude that if you have a SINGLE issue/constructive criticism with the club then you’re fired because so many girls audition at our club daily.

  1. The club hires CONSTANTLY. We have 120 girls on a weekday and close to 300 dancers on the weekend. We literally have 10 dancers for every customer usually. It looks insane. Also, they hire ANYTHING. Call me rude/a bitch. But why the FUCK are you hiring nasty looking girls with no makeup hair not done whack ass outfits and they’re completely out of shape/body is not appealing whatsoever.

  2. Because there are so many girls you literally can’t even approach a customer. Like girls like up and the entrance and the second a group walks in there are 2-4 dancers PER CUSTOMER walking the customers to the bar/their table. Also; all the management is Hispanic/latin so if you’re not one of those you will 150% get in trouble for acting that way, but the Latin girls get away with it.

  3. Our club has two floors, and the bar upstairs has maybe 25 barstools. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT probably 18-20 of those stools are taken up by regulars who don’t spend a DOLLAR on the dancers. Literally not a penny. They drink, smoke, and eat. That’s IT. But oh of COURSE they want to take up the dancers time and chit chat with us. Like Jesus Christ, we’re here for MONEY! Why are you allowing ALL of these regulars upstairs on the nicer level to take up almost the entire bar and waste all the dancers time.

  4. They absolutely don’t give a fuck if a customer is spending money on dancers. They’ll allow a customer to sit at the bar all night and talk to every single dancer in the club without spending a penny. KICK THEM OUT!!!!! If this customer has been here for 3 hours, has talked to 50 different girls and hasn’t even done a SINGLE lap dance or given even ONE dollar to a dancer, GET THEM THE FUCK OUT OF THE CLUB!!!!!! Why are you allowing them to sit there and keep bothering us and wasting our time??????

  5. This ENTIRE week I’ve been personally called over to a section by a customer or by a floor host only for them to say they don’t wanna spend any money / just wanted to talk for free and won’t be tipping. it’s been like 40 customers this week that have done that. LEAVE THE CLUB! KICK THEM OUT!! Why does the club allow them to just keep sitting there wasting time!?!? Also why are you as the floor host not somewhat helping the transaction take place??? My floor host called me into a section today for a large group and they literally screamed me out of a section saying “NOOOO NO NO!!! WE WANT BLONDES! YOURE NOT BLONDE!!!” Why did you, as the floor host, waste my fucking time to come over here and not even know the most basic details about what kind of girls these customers want????

  6. It’s a notorious extras club. We set our own prices. A lot of Latin girls will tell the customer 500-600 for full service and then get to the room and beg for more money immediately/play the “I don’t speak English card” and fully scam the customer which makes NOBODY want to return to our club UNDERSTANDABLY. But WHYYY does management allow these fucking girls to keep fucking working at our club then!?!? They are literally allowing girls to send customers away in droves and never want to return because of the scamming!!! It drives me fucking nuts!!! And then those of us with higher priced services struggle to make anything because the customer assumes we’re also going to scam them/ never wants to go to VIP ever again. This past week the Cuban girls at my club have literally sent dozens of customers away with these antics. Like I’ve overheard at least six parties walking out saying they’re never going to return to our club/they hate the club and it’s a big scam BECAUSE OF THOSE DANCERS. WHY ARE THEY STILL EMPLOYED???????

I’m so fed up with the club. It’s a huge cash cow, so I’m not going to fully quit but I may need a few weeks elsewhere. Also, how on gods green earth do I bring up this constructive criticism with my narcissistic threatening management without them losing their shit or firing me ??? They feel like any criticism (even constructive) means we are personally attacking management/they’ll immediately get pissed off. It’s terrifying approaching them with this stuff.