Race Fatigue

So I’ve been dancing for a while now, it’s been 5 years so I’d say I’m a veteran. I am also a black woman who though I’ve worked at all kinds of clubs I usually dance at predominantly white clubs. I am so fucking tired of the mediocrity that white women get to have. I mean I’ve been black my whole life but I feel like racism and white supremacy really thrives in this industry.

Over the years I’ve worked with some gorgeous women. The black girls 95% of the time are just drop dead gorgeous bodies amazing hair and makeup done beautifully. And honestly I would say a solid 50-60% of the white women are aggressively mediocre. Idk it’s just exhausting to see someone who doesn’t try and is below average get more money than you. I feel like that’s one of the hardest parts about dancing. And they are so blind to how mediocre they are too. Girl next door look is one thing but these bitches don’t even try. Look strung out and can’t even dance!! Why do white women so often feel like they don’t have to try? But it makes since cuz whiteness will be rewarded just because it’s whiteness. And to top it off they really think we are in the same industry going through the same thing. I can be in the locker room having a bad night and they will give me advice like oh just smile more or cheer up, like girllllllll. Your advice doesn’t mean shit to me. You will make money just because and you think it’s what? Cuz you smile more. No you are getting rewarded for your white mediocrity not you work ethic. Anyways I’m just tired of the double standards and white supremacy, shit is exhaustingggg.