My boyfriends friends wife is getting bullied online and she thinks it’s me
So my boyfriend has this friend who is married. Said wife has 45k+ followers on tiktok and 17 followers on instagram (yup you read that right, seventeen), she has been getting hate comments on her tik tok account and said that she thinks I’m making fake accounts to cyber bully her. The wife’s argues that both tik tok and Instagram provide her with special tools since she’s an influencer and she can see stuff on people pages that regular non influencer people can’t see. I suppose these special tools consist of allowing her to see the accounts private information. Another argument is that she was able to use her very special influencer tools to link the tik tok pages and an Instagram account and shes 100% it’s me. My boyfriend was upset because she really made her husband and my boyfriend believe that such tools exist. After talking to my boyfriend I explained to him that she’s not being honest with her husband and she’s just trying to pin it on me saying I’m hating on her when I don’t even know her at all. She’s absolutely psychotic and I know that no such tools exist but seriously guys wtfffff???? I have no reason to hate on her or anyone else, I was caught so off guard with these allegations knowing she’s not being honest. Idk I just wanted to vent here because seriously wtf