I was a closet drinker and did not admit to anyone that I had a problem. That means when I quit, I didn’t have any support or anyone to acknowledge that I was/am doing a good job. Today is day 189 sober and I could really use a little kudos or encouragement.
Unfortunately, the only person that knows what I’m actually doing and why is my SO, who has absolutely no inkling what I am going through or how challenging it is, so he hasn’t been a very good source of encouragement or praise. Literally no one else around me knows a thing, so they’re all still boozing up and talking to me about it like it’s just a normal Tuesday. I mean, most days that’s fine - I’ve been doing really good and I’m super proud of myself no matter how anyone feels or what they may or may not know/think. I’d rather them not be all up in my business, but with only having one very oblivious person as a support system, I sometimes have tough days. Today is a tough day. It’s not even that I want to drink; its just that I wish someone - anyone - would tell me how proud they are of me.