365 + 2
I finally got to my one year mark on the 2nd of January. I'm not gonna write a whole bunch but wanted to thank this community specifically. About 3 months before quitting I started lurking here, reading testimonials and other stories about relapsing, starting again, or celebrating another milestone. It wasn't until my son mentioned how mean I am when I drink that I started to take this whole quitting thing seriously. This community helped me to build my toolbox for the bad days and celebrate myself on the good days.
Fast forward to new years eve of this year, we were celebrating my sister's birthday (which is on new years eve) and there was alcohol EVERYWHERE. It seemed like maybe I was looking at my past self at times but I just held onto my Heineken zeros. This time the milestone is being blind to alcohol and not caring if it's actually there or not. I can go into a liquor store and only grab my na drinks. I feel so much better than I ever have. I'm not running anymore!
Thank you to everyone for all you've done for me ❤️ IWNDWYT 💜