Am I the only one who thinks Steven Universe took redemptions too far

As a ex Steven Universe Fan I came to love Steven Universe but I felt like some problems were happening most notably the redemptions.

First of all we had Lapis which wasn't bad and then there was Peridot which also worked However I felt like overtime Rebecca Sugar overused this trope and I believe that this was taken too far now let me explain why I think that it wirked with Blue and Yellow but not with white,

As we all kknow the Diamonds destroyed countless Planets and enslaved whole races and for the majority of the series Steven fought against them so far so good.

However while they were evil Blue and Yellow had some humanity in them most notably despite abusing her they cared for their little sister Pink Diamond and then the wqhole thing happened with the Crystal Gems and the rest was history.

Steven was able to convince Blue and Yellow to give up on their goals after seeing how much White Diamonds rule has hurt them.

Blue Realized that constantly locking Pink in that tower was what drove her from them.

Yellow saw that sge had their mothers White's Ideals were flawed and upon seeing how she neartly killed Blue her own sister she then revealed herself as a Pitable Mess beneath her cold exterior.

It was for these reasns that Steven was able to redeem them.

But then there was White Diamond the Main Villain behind all of this

From the momment we saw her she was a narcisissist who saw herself as perfect she was the one who made Yellow and Blue do all the things they did throught the series from mass genocide to experimenting on their own kind She was literally the true space hitler and it seemed like the show was hyping her up as a massive treat.

Until Change your Mind happened and Steven redeemed her aswell for no reason.

Which made me question why did they make White be redeemed when she never had a single redeemeing quality and she was a narcissist.

While Yellow and Blue did what they did even if it didn't excuse their actions White Diamond was supposed to be a genocidal maniac wasn't she.

I find Hypocritical of Steven that he hates a guy named Kevin (which I don't blame him since he is very much a dick) but why did he forgive a redeem that destroyed entire civilizations.

I know that in Future he hasn0t firguven them completely but I still believe that White should have been completely shattered.

White was a good oppurtunity to show people that not everyone is redeemed but no Rebecca Sugar just did it for no reason.

Some people are jusr ignorant of themselves and can't see that they are wrong even when proof is there to them.

I also tought that Future should have introduced us to the origin of Gemkind instead of the Ptsd stuff which I didn't like .

For me at least the Pink Kaiju Monster that Steven turns into should have been a character seperate from him and be at least the Sneeple that ronaldo was taking about in that other episide he was wearing golden armor.

Ironically what made the show good for everybody was what madeit bad for me as this show never actually had any irredemable villain unless you count bluebird but her role wasn't big enough or even kevin but he was only just your generic rich jerk.

But now I want to know with what you think of this.