Individual therapy for the step parent

For those who did individual therapy due to the dynamics and baggage of joining a partner and their kids, how did individual therapy help you? What did you learn? Did it assist you in realizing you should simply walk away? Were any of the issues on your side of the table? Was your main issue simply needing better boundaries and not letting BP and SK issues influence your day to day choices (ie prioritizing your own needs over everyone else’s)? I know we see a lot of couples’ therapy around here, but usually you see a common pattern of the issues being mainly with the family rather than the step parent. I have read multiple people say changes are mostly meaningful when they come from the bio parent simply stepping up to do their part and consequently protecting the step parent from the baggage of their children and ex partner. Or that therapy is simply needed for the step parent to realize they are being taken advantage of and have low self worth, therefore they receive the support and guidance to navigate where that originates from. How does individual therapy benefit someone that maybe isn’t the cause of the issues at hand, but trying to navigate them? Or did therapy help you realize you were overlooking something from your side and being short sighted when it came to your partner and his kids?