Nod to "The Stand" in "It"
I just finished reading "It", which might be my favorite Stephen King book so far during my Stephen King kick. While it was a fairly small detail, I thought that this conversation between Mike and Richie towards the end was interesting:
“What was Stan’s last name?” I asked him.
There was silence on the other end of the line—a long silence. In it, faintly, I could hear a woman talking in Omaha . . . or maybe she was in Ruthven, Arizona, or Flint, Michigan. I heard her, as faint as a space-traveller leaving the solar system in the nosecone of a burned-out rocket, thank someone for the cookies.
Then Richie said, uncertainly: “I think it was Underwood, but that isn’t Jewish, it it?”
“It was Uris.”
I assume that this is a pretty straight-forward nod to Larry Underwood in "The Stand", which I also read within the past few months. I was just surprised that I couldn't find anyone else who had acknowledged this online.