My top ten most desired EU Black Series figures:
Here's a new type of post to start out the new year! Here are the top ten most desired EU characters that I'd like to see in the #starwarsblackseries line. From left to right, we have Darth Sion, Exar Kun, Nom Anor, Lord Starkiller, Kyle Katarn, HK-47, Jacen Solo, Durge, Carth Onasi, and Arcann.
Here's a new type of post to start out the new year! Here are the top ten most desired EU characters that I'd like to see in the #starwarsblackseries line. From left to right, we have Darth Sion, Exar Kun, Nom Anor, Lord Starkiller, Kyle Katarn, HK-47, Jacen Solo, Durge, Carth Onasi, and Arcann.