Mod Release: Apotheosis - Powers Overhaul

Starfield's powers are useful, but they aren't fun to use. They are basically just reskinned Skyrim shouts, and share the same fatal flaw. You can only have one equipped at a time, and you forget about them, as they don't show visually on your character. Most characters only ever use Anti-Gravity Field/Fus Ro Da, or Sense Star Stuff/Aura Whisper if they are feeling sneaky. This mod fixes that, by making them activate themselves when needed. Are you crouching and looking around? Instant Sense Star Stuff. Talking to someone? Percognition. This means you are always using your powers, which contributes to the feeling that you are special, powerful, and above it all.

The powers activate when the below conditions are met. They can be toggled off using the gameplay setting menu.

  • Alien Reanimation: An activation option will appear when you look at a dead alien.
  • Creator’s Peace: Now a scanner power.
  • Earthbound: Fire your jetpack with your weapon holstered while in zero-g.
  • Elemental Pull: An activation option will appear when you look at an ore node.
  • Eternal Harvest: Always active.
  • Grav Dash: This activates when you sprint. It now gives you are 25% speed boost, rather than pushing you forward. The damage boost only applies to melee and unarmed now.
  • Inner Demon: Now a scanner power.
  • Life Forced: Now a scanner power.
  • Moon Form: Stand still while your health is low. It now also heals environmental damage.
  • Parallel Self: Now a scanner power.
  • Personal Atmosphere: Activates when you are at low O2.
  • Phased Time: Aim your weapon to activate this. It is now only for a second, replicating Fallout 4's deadeye ability.
  • Precognition: The dialogue power is always active. The footsteps one activates when Sense Star Stuff does.
  • Reactive Shield: Stand still and aim your weapon. This will activate if you then take damage. Or if you are charging with a melee weapon.
  • Sense Star Stuff: Couch and don't move with your weapon out. Now non-hostile NPCs will use the blue effect, letting you tell your companions apart when you use it. 
  • Void Form: Couch and don't move with your weapon holstered.
  • The other powers are unchanged from vanilla.

In addition, Quantum Essence has been reworked to give permanent bonuses, in the form of perks you can purchase for five Quantum Essence each. Consume a Quantum Essence from the menu to select a perk. Quantum Essence is now saved when you go through the Unity as well.

  • Grim Harvest: Regain some Starpower on every kill.
  • Assassin's Focus: Regen Starpower twice as fast for ten seconds after a sneak attack. Repeated sneak attacks increase the duration.
  • Idle Hands: You have doubled Starpower while you are not in combat.
  • Chain Reaction: Every explosive kill fortifies your Starpower for thirty seconds, increasing exponentially with the number of kills.
  • Critical Momentum: Make headshots while in combat within five seconds of each other to create a streak. Each headshot will restore Starpower by the amount of the streak.
  • Sudden Impact: If you make a melee kill without being in combat, your Starpower is greatly restored.
  • Ruthless Assault: If you do one melee kill every ten seconds you start a streak. At five or above, you double your starpower.
  • New Horizons: When you discover a location your Starpower is fully restored.
  • Stellar Might: Your Starpower is permanently increased by five. (Only after all other perks are taken, repeatable.)

Let me know if there are any other changes you would like me to make. In the future, I might look at adding more perks that add new powers and systems.