Does The Grindfield Mod Prevent Certain POIs from Spawning?

I didn’t create a bug report on Nexus because I’m not sure if this is a bug or just RNG, so I’m posting here instead. Over the weekend, I decided to finally collect all the skill magazines. Pro tip: it’s super convenient to track progress on Inara. If you log in, you can check off the ones you’ve already looted, and it saves to your account. Here’s the link:

I started with the ones that spawn in random locations. I jumped across systems, checked POIs without landing, and cross-referenced them with Inara to see if anything useful was there. This approach worked surprisingly well, and I collected almost everything in about two hours. Only 2-3 magazines were left, including Freestar Captain’s Log 01.

I saw advice on YouTube and Reddit about where to find the cave. I chose Bara 1 and spent all day Saturday—probably around 10 hours—searching for it, even with the Fast Travel To Unknown mod. I’d land, scan the POIs, check for caves, and if none appeared, I’d jump to a couple more POIs nearby. If still nothing, I’d open the map and land again elsewhere. Repeat. After more than 100 landings (I stopped counting at that point), I didn’t find a single cave.

On Sunday, I spent about an hour googling, watching videos, and learning what the cave should look like. Nothing. Then I noticed a phrase about a tent. Right, tent—humans. That got me thinking. I started looking for a mod to increase cave spawn chances but didn’t find one. However, I remembered something else.

"Changed ranges of percent chance for Human stuff to spawn on planets depending on if it is in civilized (50% chance max) settled (90% chance max) or uncivilized space (10% chance max)."

Ah, maybe that’s the issue. I created a backup save, disabled all Grindfield mods, and on launch, the game threw a bunch of errors about missing mods, wrong load order, etc. Whatever—I loaded the save and, within about 10 landings, I found the elusive cave.

So here’s my question for @ItsmePaulieB: is this just a coincidence, or does your mod actually prevent the cave from spawning? Could you check your mod/code/scripts or whatever influences POI generation? Or can anyone else confirm or refute whether they’ve found this cave with The Grindfield installed?