How does everyone feel about ship speeds?

One would think that larger ships would be capable of significantly higher speeds than smaller ones, especially in space! This would allow for different ships to shine in different scenarios. As-is, a Bomber such as the A1 is incapable of fleeing a Light Fighter such as the Arrow. The Arrow should be extremely nimble, capable of zipping around quickly in all 6 degrees of motion. But it should not be able to run-down an A1 at maximum speed. Even the Hercules, with those MASSIVE engines, does not have a higher top-speed in vacuum.

A Heavy Fighter on the other hand? It should be able to run-down larger ships with longer ranges and higher top-speeds.

Instead, we have the Arrow as the fastest ship in this scenario, able to outrun AND outmaneuver any of these ships. Even in NAV, the Arrow is somehow the fastest.

Should it not be the case that larger ships should have significantly higher top speeds, but a slower rate of acceleration? Perhaps there should be an exception for aerodynamics inside of atmosphere, but in space where there is no drag? Maybe larger ships still have the higher top speeds in atmosphere, but their acceleration is significantly lowered due to drag? Perhaps it should be made risky for them to run at top speed in atmosphere for extended times due to the drag?

This is a big reason why Light Fighters are such powerhouses today.

(Copy-pasta of my Spectrum post)