we aren't a restaurant babe.

had to post this one on here tonight

had a lady come up to register, nice as ever, order grande extra hot nonfat no foam no water chai (one of those) but sure, no problem!! "it'll be ready at the end of the bar" i say as i finish her transaction. 45 ish minutes go by and she comes STORMING up to me on main bar.

"WHERE IS MY CHAI??" "I HAVE BEEN WAITING ALMOST AN HOUR!!" granted, it had literally almost been an hour but i say "oh it's right here!!" at the end of the bar like i said it would be.... & she was ABSOLUTELY APPALLED!!

"i have never entered a restaurant and had to go to the back of the kitchen to get my food. i pay hard earned money and it should have been brought to me" i kindly remade her a chai from hell & called it even bc there was NO explaining to this lady that we don't generally do that....