Let's talk about what makes the game too easy

I play on regular difficulty to avoid excess spongy enemies as I find that immersion killing.

But the game has quickly become too easy for me and I've only just finished Garbage. So here's a couple of things I think contribute to making the game too easy and some mods/house rules I'm considering. I'm curious if you feel the same or I'm missing something...

Med Kits: Med kits are ridiculously plentiful, work near instantly, and have zero cool-down. You can literally spam med kits in any situation to survive. When I think about the times I die, it's usually because I'm navigating a large anomaly, making missteps, and forgetting to spam medkits.

Armor: Good suits with decent protections make you nearly invulnerable. I got the SEVA-D suit early on and I feel like I don't need to worry about much anymore, especially after some upgrades.

Saves: You can literally save any and every moment and never loose a minute of progress. There's no incentive to playing cautiously.

How to resolve this:

Med Kit Mod: I'm thinking of adding a mod, maybe even tweaking it myself, to make med kits take 30 seconds to fully work. This means you can probably only make one dumb mistake before you die... because if you make a dumb mistake and spam a med kit, it's not likely going to save you from a second dumb mistake. Ideally there's a cool down of 1 minute between med kits, but that's probably harder to add to the game, since I don't think there's any existing setting for that.

Use Early Game Armor: I wonder how hard it would be to run the entire game on one of the basic suits you get in the Lesser Zone. I suspect more than anything, this would force you to play a very cautious, low-risk style. But my concern is that late game missions might be designed to hurt you when wearing late game armour and just make this frustrating. For anyone who's played late game, could you possibly survive with minimal protection with an early game suit?

Limited Saves: If you can save every 30 seconds and not lose any progress, then making any changes to difficulty are meaningless - you will die more frequently, but so what? I think having a house rule of only using Saves you make in safe locations (beds or camp fires) is a good one, as it means you will lose progress if you die, and have to repeat stuff, and that's going to be good motivation to stay alive and play less recklessly and more realistically.
