Very tiny (baby) spiders are invading my bedroom! (PLEASE HELP IT STOP)

I know a lot of you on here like spiders, but I don't.

2 days ago I noticed very tiny spiders in my bedroom. I'm assuming they're baby spiders and recently hatched.

Up to now, I've probably seen and dealt with 10 of them.

They are mostly on my ceiling or coving, although a couple have been lower on my wall and 2 were in my bed.

My room is quite small (a UK box-room bedroom) and has recently been quite warm. I've now been avoiding opening my window.

There's quite a lot of stuff in my room (mostly in boxes and stacked high), my walls are painted dark grey, it's quite dusty and there's some mould. I can't deep clean it until the weekend.

I don't want these spiders here anymore. I get rid of the ones I see and then a few hours later, there's more. So far I can't see cobwebs and don't know if there are eggs hatching.

I need to sort this quickly, I can't relax in my room and when I lay in bed I feel like I have spiders on me (even when I don't). I've probably not even seem half the amount of spiders in here.

I don't know how to make them stop for good. They don't seem to be in any other room, only mine.

I saw online citrus oil and peppermint oil are good to keep spiders away. However, I don't have either of them. I only have diluted rosemary oil (for hair) - if that's any good?

How else can I get rid of these tiny spiders for good?