We are the pattern recognizers
If Trump is sworn in next week—which, truthfully, feels more likely with each passing minute—I want to advocate for us to use our incredible abilities in pattern recognition to keep ourselves and our fellow citizens as safe as possible.
Many of us, myself included, believe that Russia is at war with us and that we are losing. If Trump is sworn in, it will signify a significant loss. But that doesn’t mean we are defeated. We must continue to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the most vulnerable among us.
This is where our collective strengths come into play—data gathering, pattern recognition, and even the intuition that some might call "delulu." We need to investigate what seems random or disconnected. For example, someone on another post in this sub mentioned tampering with drinking fountains and was immediately met with skepticism. But why? Isn't noticing patterns exactly what we're good at? The same applies to the fires in LA.
Yes, we need to remain logical, but we also need to, in the (ironic) words of Reagan (Yes I know he is a rat bastard, but the quote stands), "Trust but verify." And honestly, there will be less and less to trust in a Trump administration. Verification will become increasingly critical. Russia’s goal was to sow chaos in our society, and they’ve succeeded. If we give up or dismiss anyone questioning the patterns they observe, we’re playing right into their hands.
I urge you to hold the line. Keep investigating. If Trump is sworn in, those who question and analyze will be the last line of defense.