Super confused

Seen a lot of posts and comments on this sub saying things like “having an 8 hour a day job and settling down is the societal norm not everyone wants to abide by it”. As well as a recent post about someone’s father telling them travel is an escape from reality and responsibilities with comments under it saying things like “why would you work 8 hours a day when you could travel around and never settle down” and things along those lines.

I’m just wondering am I out of touch or is this subreddit out of touch? How do you guys afford to travel to Cancun, Thailand, all these places without working? There are people who bust their ass 8 hours a day to even have food to eat. How can you expect them to just up and buy a plane ticket to Singapore or wherever lol? Am I missing something? Not trying to be rude just super confused and genuinely curious how you guys can afford travel without working 8 hours a day to begin with.

For a large portion of the world no matter how much you “prioritize travel over settling down” you still need to eat and be sheltered which is where 100% of their income goes. There is no “work hard for 10 months then travel for 2”

I’m not calling traveling out of touch….

For everyone saying: “why are you scolding us for our hobbies when so many other hobbies cost money” you clearly didn’t read the post and/or you’re clearly projecting your insecurities because no one is scolding you for your hobbies. Pretty easy to tell what kind of person you are based off your reaction to this post….

For the mod that banned me for this? “Trying to start a fight”? Re read this post and think about your actions 😂 Very clear misinterpretation. Go ahead and look at the 200 people that commented that understood.