Ragnarok's future
before i write this, obviously if you're anime only and don't want spoilers don't even read this, in the first place it'll take years(a decade if not 12 years) to get here if it even gets adapted... it might
new chapter drops today and closes off the fight with lee min sung
I really doubt that he will get fucked by Suho again with him being possessed by the plague monarch's kin, the milf bee-girl is what i call her as it's been some time since i've read the novel(she's in the manwha too, the hot chick you see a few chapters back where Lee Min sung went to some building to meet a hot woman
as a novel reader, I worry.... because imagining him getting screwed over is hella funny and this change of pace did that, they also removed parts in the novel like the sword talking to suho, grey being a puppy longer and eating meat to grow big and strong, the beast monarch actually talking to suho, etc
I do hope that with these changes they at least explain it.. as to why(like the white haired guy is cool and all but we need milf bee creature to shine and we need beast monarch and suho's picollo-esque time together(for those who don't get it, its how picollo was more of a father to gohan than goku, in the novel the beast monarch is kinda like that to suho throughout the entire thing even in death)
or make it something like a what-if scenario made by Jinwoo through beru when beru enters earth then actually start off the real story which is actually based on the novel properly this time, which is me coping but if it does happen, told you so