Avoiding death by skiers
I'm a beginner snowboarder. Been about 20 times this season. new, but been enough to know that I'm not always the problem.
I avoid the lifts that are blue/green runs and try to go to the lifts that have the blue and black runs. The lifts seem safer.
9/10 times I get off the lift with someone in rental skiis it's chaotic. My board been stabbed with ski poles, I've been pushed, hit with skiis, crashed into, etc
I give plenty of space on the lift. I almost always go to the end and give people plenty of room.
I don't want to be a jerk and not get on the lift with certain people. last weekend a girl put her pole in front of my board and almost blew my acl with a crash she caused by running into me. Idk how many more of those nasty crashes I can withstand. I want my torn acl to be the result of me trying a to catch air off of something I had no business on... not someone running me over.
I've been on lifts with boards and more experienced skiers many times and never seem to have a problem, but people on rental skis seem like they have a death wish when getting off the lift. Like they can't take living anymore.
I know people on rentals can be really good and most probably way better than me... just a trend I'm noticing when getting off the lift **
How do I improve my lift exiting experience when "day 1" people get on?
Not trying to be negative! Just trying to live ❤️
*** UPDATE/EDIT *** I have worked on communicating with people on the lifting and trying to get off first! It's helped me a ton. Thank you everyone for the advice.