potential upgrade to Amazon smart thermostat

Howdy all,

Electric company sent a Black Friday deal for an Amazon smart thermostat for $6.99, so trying to give it a whirl.

Current system as I understand it: heat pump with auxiliary electric heat system when necessary, Honeywell TH8321 thermostat. Wires presently connected to thermostat: C, R, O/B, Y, G, AUX-E, Y2 with an additional clip between R and Rc.

Photo here: https://imgur.com/gallery/zP1XCG1

When running through the Amazon install wizard, after selecting which wires are present, the app says the device isn't compatible with our wiring. I selected the 7 codes above (not including Rc since that isn't actually a wire).

Wire selection screenshot: https://imgur.com/gallery/DEpW6fq

Error screenshot: https://imgur.com/gallery/K6tlem6

Did I mess something up, or is Amazon right and we should just stick with the existing thermostat? No worries if it's a no-go, we ought to be able to return it and our current one works just fine. Just figured thermostat control through WiFi was worth 7 bucks.