Please help me sleep train by toddler
My son has always been cosleeping with me since he was born. He is 17 months now and it's not working for us to cosleep anymore. Mostly because the old tricks I used to use on him like gentle tapping on his back or rocking him or singing to him are not working anymore. He always wants to play around even when he is very sleepy. It's taking us more than an hour to put him to sleep. In the process I'm getting frustrated and yelled at him yesterday. I immediately regretted and felt guilty the entire day today. His dad is trying to put him to sleep now but i think the best thing for all of us is to sleep trainhim in his crib. Where do we start? His crib is currently in our room but we never used it. And we can't move it to his room as the crib is very big and can't really fit in the doors to move to his room. Can I start sleep training him in his crib in our room? Do I start with CIO? Please help!!