any mod that changes the textures of sofia follower mod to a more classic skyrim look? mod in question

ok so long story short, i like follower mods, inigo and lucien both rule, and i like the idea of the dragonborn having a small party instead of a lone wolf with the occasional lackey, but i really despise the look some mods put on their npcs, like... the fully smooth barbie looking skin? yeah that, dont like that, also the hair, it just looks weird to me? is there a patch or something that makes sofia look more "normal" by skyrim standards and less "is that a fucking sex doll?"

edit: think after a bit of digging i found a solution, lets see if it works (hair seems to still be wonky, but we can compromise)

edit2: shiva's version works well, hair is still wonky, but this is worlds better than before. now to see if this follower is worth the hype