Removing a single event from recurring series doesn't sync with Skylight and time zone issues
I received a Skylight for Christmas and am seeing some challenges. Wondering if this is a known issue, or if I'm doing something wrong.
Item 1: I have a recurring event on my native iOS calendar for a kiddo's soccer practice every Tuesday and Thursday evening, year-round. I manually delete individual practices when they're cancelled for weather, the team is on holiday break, etc. When I delete the single event from my iOS calendar, it remains in place on the Skylight.
Item 2: I've added my kid's sports league calendar to Skylight so I don't have to individually add/update multiple games for multiple leagues. We've had this calendar subscribed to our iOS calendar without issue for years. When I added the calendar URL to Skylight, all the events show up with a 6-hour difference in the time. I've removed and added the calendar repeatedly and have the same issue.
Has anyone else experienced either of these? Both are challenging and likely non-starters if they persist.