4040 / 4080 compact and foldable sim rig design [ feedback / tips appreciated]
pedal plate folded / seat slid inwards
I already own a similar wood rig that I use, but I had some free time and tried to "design" myself a foldable and compact aluminium rig based on GT Omega PRIME Lite-R, but as I do not have enough space for a full sim rig in my tiny apartment, and when it is not in use, I need to put it away in the corner beside my PC desk.
The design was a quick 30 min sketch, most of it is a 40x40 profile to save cost as it is a factor in my case, and 40x80 for the vertical towers.
The pedal plate would fold up in 90%, and the seat part would be able to slide in the direction of the wheel base.
Not a final design as I am not 100% sure about how would I make the seat base/holder slide yet (that's why I added those plates on the side to connect the upper and lower part, and unscrew one to slide???), how strong would it be, but as it is a "V1", any tip is appreciated.
PS: The gear in question is CSL DD 8nm, and Simsonn pedals