Crewchief and ChatGPT and potential use of AI in Simracing

Most of you are probably familiar with ChatGPT and how it has taken the internet by storm in recent months.

I had an idea just now: what if you could talk to Jim on CrewChief as if you were speaking with your race engineer? I believe the potential for AI in sim racing is enormous. Imagine starting a race with CrewChief and having a conversation with Jim. You could ask, "Hey Jim, how's it going today?" and he might reply, "Not too bad, I've just set up the car for you and run some tests." This type of interaction would add a whole new level of realism to the game.

Of course, it may take some time for this technology to fully mature, but the concept is exciting nonetheless.

What are your thoughts?

If you were to develop such a system or an app, where do you think the AI capabilities could be best utilized in sim racing?"