The TSSU strike was a necessary action to ensure better pay for workers now and in the future. Please have some empathy and think critically.
I am reading through this sub and am in awe at the degree of anger directed towards TSSU employees. I knowthat as with any strike, demonstration, or protest, some people were inappropriate or foul in how they handled their interactions. But I don't feel that it's fair to group everyone like assholes for striking, which is something that workers have to do to get better working conditions. SFU is a business. They want to profit off of the backs of student employees, which is not okay.
Please remember that collectively, we were striking for the fair and appropriate pay for teaching and support staff not just in present time but for future generations of workers. SFU is a highly ranked university in BC and should be appropriately compensating and supporting its workers. There is no excuse.
Vancouver is fucking expensive. The minimum wage in BC is $16.75. As a graduate TA I was pulling in about $17 an hour. This is not an appropriate wage for the type of work I am doing, nor for the amount of effort and time that goes into carrying out my role. Many instructors didn't even have a pension (some sessionals do this job for years and deserve to be supported as employees. This is wrong and cruel).
SFU admin rakes in massive salaries and continues to hike tuition each year. Please consider directing your frustration and action towards them to request a tuition refund, which I agree to be a fair solution for your disrupted education. But please question why you are blaming us for fighting for our rights as workers and human beings. I hope that for those in this sub who in the future become TAs or instructors, you remember who got you better benefits and wages, and recognize the importance and effectiveness of collective action.