Where Should we End our Honeymoon? Recommendations
As the question says, we have 10 days in Sicily Currently our itinerary is as follows, Where should we go on the last days?
Day 1: Arrive in Palermo
Explore, check-in, get food etc.
Day 2-4: Palermo - Exploring, tours etc leave palermo 4th day morning and train to Cefalu
Day 4-5: Cefalu - Arrive in Cefalu Spend day and night there
Day 5-6: Cefalu to San Vito Lo Capo: Leave Cefalue early morning, Train back into Palermo, rent a car and drive to SVLC via Scopello and Castellamarre de golfo, stay overnight and on Day 6 Spend the day at the beach
Night 6 - 9? - Where would be good to go?
Night 9 we'll go back to Palermo and head back to airport on 10th day
What would be some good last days?