About kissing, caressing, hugging, stroking and other sexual affections

Since we retired, I have noticed a rise in what we call sexual affections. Since we spend a lot more time together in retirement, there has definitely been a corresponding increase in kissing and hugging. My partners love it when I gently caress their butts and breasts, kiss their necks and hug them spontaneously during the day. I should mention that we sleep naked and have been home nudists for the last four years.

My wife especially likes to grasp my balls and stroke my cock to make me erect several times a day, from morning until night. At night she often falls asleep with her hand gripping my penis and in the morning we always grope each other. Our other partner, female, loves to sniff and kiss my penis. At any time I can drop my pants and rub my hard cock all over her face and she often takes it into her mouth to suck me off for a few minutes. One of my favourite things is having my penis sucked and stroked while they are sitting on the toilet having a pee.

This happens just about every day. When they are naked doing dishes, brushing their teeth, or other things, I love to come up behind them and rub my erection between their butt cheeks and grasp their breasts while kissing their necks.

We believe that all this sexual affection makes us even more fond of each other without indulging in sex. I am amazed that I am almost never pushed away when I give them attention, and I certainly don't mind them putting their hands down my pants either. It makes me so dammed happy to be alive!

Anybody else do this?