The Costume/Cosplay Weekly Question Thread: September 25 - October 01, 2024

Welcome to our weekly thread for all questions about sewing costumes, cosplay and everything Halloween! This thread will be posted weekly from now until October 31st. Love to talk about cosplay? Hang out here and help answer questions!

Some helpful links:

Photos can be shared in this thread by uploading them directly to your comment, to a neutral hosting site like Imgur or posting them to your profile feed, then adding the link.

The fine print:

We've set up Automod to remove and redirect question posts about costumes, cosplay and Halloween to this thread. Even if your costume isn't for Halloween, we ask that you use this thread for questions to keep the subreddit from being overwhelmed by the top sewing event of the year. Finished projects can be posted with the Project flair as usual in the subreddit for everyone to enjoy. The moderators will designate these with 🎃 to indicate the project theme. Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Looking forward to lots of great sewing!

--Sewing Subreddit Mod Team