I want to stop worrying about my health

About a month ago as I was washing my car, some tire cleaner hit the right side of my face as I wore some make-shift PPE. I was certain it hit my eye despite the fact that it technically didn’t, but my anxiety made it seem so. So I feared I would go blind. For a few weeks, I had blurry vision so I would use artificial tears.

About 2 weeks ago, I went to an optometrist who took photographs of my right eye. She even put some dye, ran tests, shun lights on it- did everything. She enlarged the photographs on the monitor and told me everything looks healthy. She said my eyes are perfect. She did notice some crusty build up and advised to use OCUSOFT wipes. I used all 30. I feel mostly better, but I still have eye brow discomfort, pinches and this off feeling in my eye; maybe some mild blurriness.

I’m confused as to how this could happen. How does the mind do this to the body if there is no identifiable pathogens or chemicals present that could cause it. Why do I have this going on if there is actually nothing going wrong with the eye? Is this actual health anxiety? I’m tired of this, and I just want to be normal. I’m so tired of worrying 24/7 about going blind or something else!