Real talk: I’m actually proud of us.
With everything going on in the U.S (and across the world) we are standing ten toes down and speaking up.
Even just 20 years ago, a lot of this would have been allowed to happen with minimal push back.
Look at how many of our politicians are speaking out, at how many protests are happening currently and set to happen soon. (There are plans for a March on Washington in June.)
We are seeing Media personalities/ celebrities(not all) risking their jobs to speak on these issues we are still fighting against. It’s a sign of progress. Just look at how many different people are choosing to speak out against pointed bigotry.
A lot more people are willing to be uncomfortable and speak out against friends and family, in order to make someone else’s life better.
Obviously we still have a long way to go, but it’s also important to note just how far we’ve come.
The tides are changing, growing larger with each new “policy”, these people are trying to inflict on us.
We are moving forward collectively, there are still some stubborn people but that’s the norm and history will remember them as nothing more than sad dejected people, that cared more about their temporary comforts than the lives of their neighbors.
Public Service Announcement l: If you think the government should determine someone’s quality of life by their skin color, religious views, sexual orientation or gender… you are the villain!