Men being kind to animals is the sexiest thing ever
My husband is one of those guys who say they don't like cats. We recently were given a very small, very traumatised cat: a cute little thing who is scared of everything and hides under the door when she hears a door opening. She had been returned from two different homes before for being hissy so of course my husband, always the saviour, took it as a challenge.
Well, I don't know what those two homes were doing but after just one week she has warmed up to us and turned into the loveliest little creature to ever miaow. She is still skittish and runs away sometimes but every day we progress more and more and by now she even rubs against our feet and has offered her belly to pet several times.
So yesterday my husband goes to bed before me and send me a thermal selfie from bed with the cat sleeping on his pillow, next to his face. I tiptoed into the bedroom and he was petting and kissing her head while she purred like a locomotive. I quietly got in bed, very carefully not to disturb the cat, and started giving my husband back scratchings (he always wants his back scratched).
I swear I could stare at him kissing and baby talking to this cat all day. I woke up the other night to find him perched up the mezzanine: "I couldn't sleep so I got up to pet her" and my heart melted. I always find him hot, but when he's being nice to the cat he's like 100x as hot! I love this man with all my heart.