saying this because some of you really need to hear this. (not with bad intention or trying to be rude)

1) scene is fashion AND music based. SCENE meant in the “music scene” such as going to raves, concerts and shows. Scene comes from emo meaning it has ties to original DC emotional hardcore which was literally a music genre. it has always been always will be music based as well. Crunkcore is scene music created by scene kids for other scene kids. once a music genre is created for an alternative subculture that alternative subculture has music integrated into it and becomes inherently music based/ related as well. look at goth; it’s music based, look at punk, and all it’s derivatives. and just to add on back in the day if you just dressed scene, but didn’t listen to the music people would call you “poser” since scene is MUSIC AND FASHION based. And i am NOT saying crunkcore is strictly the only scene music, there is deathcore, pop punk, swancore, post hardcore, screamo amongst many other things.

2) SCENE HAS NEVER BEEN AN “ACCEPTING AND KIND” SUBCULTURE (hate to say it) scene kids were racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and ableist amongst many other things. you would get called slurs and poser daily, there was a WHOLE WEBSITE dedicated to cyber bullying. (stickydrama) And i’m not even gonna mention how hard they bullied jessi slaughter when she was a literal child victim of grooming and SA. Not to mention the amount of MANIPULATIVE P3DOS such as, (john hock, danny cespedes, and DAHVIE VANITY) myspace wasn’t the best space as well.

3) there is no “modern scene look” scene is a y2k subculture. it originated in the 2000s, so of course that’s what the fashion and inspiration is based off of/ where it comes from , and of course scene kids are going to try to look like scene kids since it’s literally from the 2000s. that’s like saying “modern trad goth” which makes no sense. “modern” is just an excuse to water down subcultures which can be seen with punk, and other things like gyaru, vkei, and grunge which lose its initial meaning.

4) scenecore isn’t scene and never will be, it is not a subculture of scene as well. scenecores (wether intentionally or not) bastardize, flanderize, and water down the subculture. they don’t dress scene, don’t listen to scene music, don’t have scene hair, and they listen to really sped up music that glamorizes and glorifies SH, EDs, SA, and other mental illness. people bring up the “but emo and other alternative subcultures called them posers!!!) so? just because they CALLED them posers doesn’t MEAN it’s true. scene is NOT a poser subculture they weren’t actively TRYING to be posers. punks and goths were basically saying “you’re non conforming by being in a different alternative subculture, instead of non conforming by dressing like us, ur a poser!” which is completely non sensical and illogical. scene, unlike scenecore actually kept all aspects of emo but just had a brighter spin on the look, they went to shows, concerts, had the hair, had the makeup, and listening to emo music, whether it be dc emotional hardcore, post-hardcore, screamo or any other emo/ metal derivative. Punks and goths were literally threatening to beat up emo scene kids back in the day when they were whole adults so i don’t know why you would choose to believe that demographic of hateful people because they threw around “poser” when it literally makes no sense.

5) gatekeeping is what has kept alternative subcultures alive and thriving for years because once it becomes mainstream it loses its purpose much like punk and goth which are anti establishment and non conformist. i mean look at punk now, it’s dead because of the whole “conservative punk” thing even though punk is against that, and is leftist (essentially some people infest subcultures, bastardize, water them down and corporatize/ commercialize them. this can be seen with a variety of subcultures including scene, like the creation of scenecore which just isn’t scene at all and has no relation and demeans the actual scene subculture).

6) The texturism can be radical and absurd (no racism allowed) you do need the hair to be scene. you could just go look at 2000s scene kids and not a single one of them didn’t have the hair style, it’s the signature look some could even say the core or base of it. that’s what they were known for, their crazy and teased hair with their side bangs or fringes/ spikes. this also ties into peoples argument that scene is solely “fashion based” so if it’s fashion based, wouldn’t the hair be apart of the vanity, meaning you would need it?

7) yeah subcultures evolve but when it becomes flanderized and bastardized it’s no longer the same thing anymore. ofcourse people want to look like how scene did back then because scene is scene, a y2k subculture. Any other y2k style, when people aim for that y2k look they’re gonna wanna look that way ofcourse. just like how trad goths want to look trad goth (like how the goth movement looked when it originally began). people typically argue that alternative subcultures evolve, but generally that isn’t fully true instead, it just gets ruined and loses its initially meaning and purpose. people also argue that scenecore is an “evolution” of scene which genuinely isn’t any true because it doesn’t have any ties to it and completely strips the original aspect of scene and what scene really entailed. i mean, there is no “2025 scene kid look” all people have are the 2000s look to go off of (which is the original style).

8) I AM GOING TO SAY THIS AGAIN. scenecore isn’t a scene style. People make these posts because scenecores typically claim to be scene when they aren’t, and don’t know anything about the history of the alternative subculture that is scene. they water the subculture down while attempting to learn absolutely nothing about it, they don’t dress scene, and they don’t listen to the music. typically music they listen to is just awful music that glorifies and glamorizes mental illness, SH, and EDs amongst other things. while i do actively agree that there shouldn’t be active hate, the scenecores just shouldn’t claim to be something they aren’t, or they can go to another sub.

ty for listening to this rant educational purposes only (no hateful intention) don’t reply with insults, and no racism is allowed.