SAHM: preschool or not??
My son is 2.5 and has stayed home with me from birth. I have the option of sending him to preschool in the fall. I don’t want to start him in real school until he’s 6 if they’ll let me (May 4th birthday so he’ll be the oldest in his class if we start at 6, but really young if he starts at 5). My question is do I send him this fall or wait another year? Or possibly not at all?? We are thinking about homeschool but leaning towards a small Christian School that the preschool he’d be going to started this year. He goes to nursery at church and is around kids his age there. We are also close with my family and I have a niece a year younger than him that he sees and plays with all the time. We live on a farm so he gets a lot of experience there and with all of my husband’s family too. I also had a baby girl who’s 5 months now. & a few of my friends have kids around his age or younger. So he’s not isolated from people, he’s very smart and kind (when he wants to be lol typical toddler). I know everyone talks about the social aspect of preschool, but I don’t want to send him if I don’t need to. What would you do/what do you do with your toddler if you’re a stay at home mom?