Paranoia about TMS
Hello! I started TMS yesterday and I’m already paranoid. I have three things I’m worried about. 1. Yesterday I had both the brain mapping and my first treatment done. My vision was a bit fuzzy in my upper left peripheral for about an hour and a half later. The thing is I also get blurry vision in that area when I’m having migraines or intense anxiety. I told the tech and she said it’s ok, has anyone else experienced this? Today was better but I’m still not sure if I should worry or not. 2. I have migraines with aura occasionally. They didn’t harp on it in the pre-assessment but now I’m getting worried. Has anyone with aura migraines had TMS? 3. The tech said ear plugs are optional and I haven’t been wearing them because the machine doesn’t hurt my ears. I was planning on watching the tv or having somebody come in to chat with while doing it but obviously it’s not worth risking my hearing. Do you all use earplugs? Thank you if you’ve read all this! Sorry obviously I am very stressed lol but I would really appreciate to hear your personal experiences just for peace of mind!
Edit: Thank you to everyone who responded!! I was trying to respond to all of them but please know I appreciate all of you very much.