Shipping from U.S. and GoPro

Hello, Arriving to Roatan next week from the Caribbean (not my origin country). When I arrived to the Caribbean a week ago, I realized I forgot my GoPro and extra set of contacts. I will be in roatan for a bit and I am not flying from my home country. Would like my extra set of contacts and GoPro since I’ll be scuba diving majority of the time. Is it possible to ship items from the U.S. to roatan? If so, where do they get shipped? What’s the process and cost? Tried to ship them to where I am in the Caribbean but UPS informed that it’ll be $228 and I’ll have to pay an import tax when I pick up my items.

If shipping to roatan is too costly, do any dive shops carry GoPros or underwater cameras? I know it’ll be more expensive than what I could pay in the states but I would just like to know. Thank you.