An Open Letter to Riot

You're overextended without vision. Your angry and offended playerbase is collapsing on you, and your team is too underfed to accomplish anything on the map.

The game is still winnable, but you've got to change strategies. Invest in your artists and make amends with your playerbase. I think all of us would've understood a reduction in free loot, but outright removal is offensive to the max. Your whales will stop buying if they stop having quality games. Focus on quality skins at a reasonable price, bring back honor rewards, and bring back hextech chests. Just add them to the battepass, and remove the chance to roll extra chests. Then you can control the number being granted going forward. And you'd also better put out a temporary mission granting 3ish free chests for games played, to soften player blowback. Hell, if you really want to roll with it, make an icon and emote centered around Hextech chests, celebrating the passion found in your community.

EDIT: Thank you Riot for listening to your community!