Looking for someone from my teen years?

*Edited with the right streets

This is a long shot but here goes. I grew up in Steveston Village area, and had a very brief encounter with someone probably around the same age as me, back in 2005 or 2006. I would have been 19 or 20 at the time. I was on the 402 bus very late at night, dark and rainy. I got off the stop at Railway Avenue and Moncton, same as someone else. Well considering it was late at night, dark and rainy you would have thought I'd be scared of this person because they were wearing all dark clothing and goth makeup. I wasn't! I actually asked which way they were walking home because I had an umbrella and they didn't, so I offered to share mine with them until I got home. We went our separate ways when I reached my townhouse complex. The next time I saw them was a few weeks later, during the day and I knew it was them (dark clothing!) and they were walking down the gravel (now asphalt) bike path heading south and I was on the opposite side of Railway walking north. We waved to each other. It was the last I ever came across them.

Almost 20 years later this person randomly comes up in my thoughts and I just hope they're doing well! I knew back then this person was kind-hearted and I'm sure they still are