Morning stiffness but only left hand

Hi everyone,

For the past four/five months I’ve been waking up every single day with stiff fingers that cannot bend and hurt if I try to bend them. The only way to loosen the stiffness is to run them under hot water or if I start using them like when I start flossing, they slowly un-stiffen. I notice they also start to stiffen with inactivity like laying down without moving them for a bit.

I believe in the first two months this was happening, it was both hands. Now, thank god, my right fingers do not stiffen at all and it’s only my left hand’s fingers. I went for blood testing around two months ago and my doc took many different blood tests, they all showed normal results and she said there’s no signs of inflammation in my body. I don’t have the numbers in front of me but it wasn’t even elevated.

Is there anything else this could be? I feel hopeful because usually RA is symmetrical, but thankfully it’s only my left hand that’s affected. I’m very scared and worried to be honest.