I am so sick and tired of people “can you break this $100? Can I have all tens? Actually can you make this one a 5 and 5 ones?” Go fuck yourself, it’s EIGHT AM AND I JUST OPENED MY TIL. Or a $3 total and “oops I only have a $100 bill hope that’s okay teehee” It’s not!

Today we were busy as fuck, and I was the only active cashier, but everyone was paying with a card and getting cash back. I had maybe a pack of one’s, 20 in 5’s and 2 tens. Definitely not even $100 total. Dude gets a 2.39 bag of chips and A) throws them at me B) throws his $100 at me. I’d have to clear my til and more to give him change. He wants nothing else, just the chips.

When I told him I didn’t have enough money, I’d either have to do a safe loan or he could wait for another cashier. He snatched his bill out of my hands and shoved the bag of chips at me and stormed off. Look man, I know that genuinely is all some people carry sometimes or all they have left is big bills at the end of the day but you HAVE to understand when we can’t take them.

It is not uncommon for our dollar stores to put up signs that say “no big bills” “10’s and 20’s only”. It’s not fucking rocket science. If I don’t have the change, you’re not getting the fucking change

Sorry if this is vaguely incoherent, but the point is if I wanted to be a bank teller I’d work down the road at the fucking BANK get out of my fucking face