Bisexual 21F in a 4.5 year relationship with my girlfriend (21F), but might be attracted to coworker (20M). How can I navigate these conflicting feelings without hurting anyone?

In order to make this post make sense, I am going to start from the very beginning. In July of 2020, my now girlfriend and I started dating (let’s call her Molly). We had been friends since 8th grade, and connected during the lockdown. We were seniors in high school at this point when we decided to make it official; and both had never been in relationships before, or done anything sexual with another person. To say the least, we were very new to this. Senior year of high school was amazing with her. All that I could dream of from a relationship. However, I did notice myself distancing from others. Then freshman year of college hit. Molly had decided to go to the same college as me (she admit she followed me to college). Due to this, I was very introverted and did not push myself to make friends. Freshman year, I made absolutely no friends, and only hung out with Molly and another high school friend. I felt ashamed of myself, and crawled ever farther into my skin. Sophomore year of college, I decided I wanted to study abroad and get the independence I never had as a freshman. However, she decided to come with me too. I expressed to her that I wanted to embark on this journey alone, but at the end of the day, I cannot hold her back from an experience like this. So, we both studied abroad together as well as the high school friend mentioned above. I would like to note, during winter break, this boy I work with asked for my number. It took me by complete surprise. I told him I had a girlfriend, but we could be friends. Within 24hrs of me texting him as friends, my girlfriend stopped it. I wasn’t bothered by it, I just felt bad for the guy because it seemed innocent. After winter break, we studied abroad in Europe. When we came home for the summer, this boy and I started to talk again (only within the workplace). Let’s call him Blake. Then, Blake started texting me about Europe because he was going soon with his dad, and wanted recommendations. I was happy to give them to him, but then the talking continued for almost 2 weeks. I told Molly as it was going on. She wanted me to stop, but I told her we were just friends. However, I felt a little something with him. I wasn’t sure what, but I would get the ick, and then I would really enjoy talking to him, and then the cycle would repeat. Around the 2 weeks mark, I stopped our texting. I went through a little spiral, and admit to my girlfriend I might have a crush on him. That started some trust issues. We worked it out for the time being, however, my crush only grew. I talked to my closest friend about my feelings, and how confused I was. At the where end of the summer, I decided I couldn’t take these feelings anymore, broke up with Molly. Molly then went to my closest friend to talk (the one I confided in) and my friend ended up telling Molly about our private conversations. It only made the entire situation worse. To cut this short, Molly and I never officially broke up, and we worked it out. But every break from college, I would work. And my feelings for Blake would resurface during those times, but I was able to suppress it for the love of my girlfriend. Now, it is 2 years after he first ever asked me for my number before studying abroad, and I am experiencing unparalleled emotional distress. From this past summer (a year after the summer I described before), my feelings for him doubled. My was unable to talk to any of my close friends about the situation due to mistrust. But, I was still able to suppress these feelings. Now in present time, I have graduated college (a semester early) and am home indefinitely. At workplace just held a Christmas party over the weekend, and Blake and I went together (the person I usually go with went back to college and same for him). We talked for 3.5 hours straight, and everyone noticed it. One of my coworkers tried talking to us, an apparently we were so absorbed in our own conversation, we didn’t hear her, and she then said: “are you guys f*cking or something?!?” And we still did not hear her say that (thank god). Other people made jokes as well. When we walked to the bathroom together, someone made a comment (you can guess). And we got many looks. This Christmas party happened on Sunday, and I just work a Tuesday shift. I was told that everyone was talking about us because it was obvious there was something between us. I am mortified. But even before this Christmas party, just seeing him for the first time in a couple months killed me (I have been home for break for about a month now). The past week, I have lost my appetite and am unable to eat. I am barely sleeping. I can’t get out of bed. All I can do is think about this situation. I am completely and utterly lost on what to do. I am devastated because my feelings for Blake will not go away, and at the moment are unbearable. I feel a panic feeling in a my stomach from when I wake up in the morning to when I go to sleep. I would also like to talk about the obvious: why I have not broken up with Molly. Molly is more than my girlfriend, but my best friend. She is my safe person, and I feel an emotional attachment to her unlike anything else. I call her over 5 times every day. We have 2 cats together (we lived together in apartment in college). I hang out with her almost everyday. No one understands me like her. She is the only person I can be my most authentic self around and will love me unconditionally. She is my person. Molly is going back to school for one more semester while I stay home this spring. I am almost relieved, but terrified. This will be the first time in 4.5 years that I will go more than a few days without seeing her. I think this could be good for my emotional growth, and may help me see clearly on this situation. I couldn’t bear break up with her, but I also don’t know how much longer I can deal with not eating, not sleeping, and constantly panicking. I also feel a constant urge to talk to Blake. All I want to do is talk to him and hang out. I made the mistake of asking him to hangout soon and maybe go thrifting together. My coworker told me that this hangout should be used as a guideline to see how I really feel about him. However, my girlfriend would not be okay with me seeing him outside of work. I am so conflicted, confused, and tired. I am in dire need of advice.