My Wife’s(27F) Mental Issues Are Becoming Too Much For Me(28M) To Handle

We have been together for about five years and married for one and a half. She has problems with anger (she has never been physical or insulting to me) that she has a very hard time controlling in the moment. She has broken numerous things in our apartment because of it. She has rage quit her last 2 jobs and just the other day I had to plead with her not to do it again with her new job. She has a terrible image of herself. Without going into too much detail on why, I will just say that she isn’t in the best of physical health. A lot of times she’s fine, especially when we are just hanging out at home, but sometimes the most insignificant things can set her off. Especially if she’s at work or even if we’re out in public sometimes. I really think she is mentally unwell, aside from being depressed and anxious. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like no amount of consoling I do ever does anything and all my words fall deaf on her ears. And I really do mean everything I say to her when I try to tell her that everything is okay. And it’s pretty much an every day thing, something is always wrong, there is always an issue with someone or something. I would love to get her therapy or something, but we can’t even afford health insurance right now. I just feel so defeated and like I’m just not equipped to handle her anymore. I love her so much and she is the single most important person in the world to me, but it’s really wearing me down and mentally and emotionally draining me. I’m afraid if I ever tried to leave, it would break her beyond repair because she is rather dependent on me. How do I help her?