Husband (30m) wont let me (30f) sleep?

I have insomnia problems during the summer because of how bright it is early in the morning. Usually I can go to sleep around 10, but I will be wide awake at 3 or 4 and then be exhausted the entire day. I've started taking melatonin to sleep and it has worked wonders. However, on melatonin, I have to have a full 10 hours of sleep. Anything under 10 hours leaves me groggy and gives me a headache. I can usually do this, since I go to sleep at 10 and need to wake up at 8.

The problem: My husband wakes up for work at 6. He has gotten into the habit of waking me up every morning to "cuddle" (usually it is actually cuddling, but more often than not he paws at me for... other things). Because it is so bright outside in the morning now, I am not able to go back to sleep after he leaves. Because I am taking melatonin, I am pretty useless for the rest of the day. I am the primary breadwinner and all of this is taking a serious toll on the quality of my work. I brought it up two months ago and he said he would stop; then I realized he was turning up the volume on his alarm and letting it play for awhile so that the "alarm" woke me up, not him, but since I was awake, we could cuddle before he left for work.

How do other people manage waking up routines?

Am I out of line to tell him to stop waking me up in the morning and that if he can't stop, I'm going to move into the guest room?