Reiki Wiki
I've noticed that a lot of people are asking for help for specific illnesses. I've also noticed that there are a lot of reiki practitioners who are searching for more guidance once they've been attuned. This reddit community does serve those in need, but I wonder if we can provide something more for those suffering specific illnesses.
I want to create a Reiki wiki, freely available to all. A hub of knowledge that is searchable, that details self-healing techniques (those beyond what is taught in reiki classes). Over the years of working with Reiki, I've figured out that reiki will go where needed, but sometimes it needs a bit of direction too. These self-healing techniques can provide that direction.
Practitioners can write up their own experiences with the techniques they've come up with over the years of healing (eg. I could detail how I managed to not get burnt for 6 months after getting my reiki mastership, despite accidentally and regularly pouring boiling water over myself (it was winter and my hot water bottle kept calling to me) and accidentally touching hot pans (I am a clumsy person). I never told my fellow reiki masters how I managed to do this due to my extremely-severe anxiety, but I'm ready now).
I know there are books out there that detail specific techniques for specific illnesses, but those are more How-Tos for the healer, not the self-healer. This wiki could fill that gap, it would also be a living document that changes and evolves with the times, faster than books ever could. I also propose this be a free resource because we're past the time of hoarding knowledge and info. Everyone should be able to benefit, regardless of their financial status.
Obviously there will be the usual disclaimer about how reiki can't cure etc., etc., but yeah, what do we all think?